Tamworth Rage Page
Helen is no longer updating this website
       Johnny Green's Blues Cowboys
mandln3a.gif (1309 bytes)Johnny Green's
Blues Cowboys
Flash Sheedy and Killer Dave Hooper have swapped jobs.   Killer Dave joins Flashes previous band, The Blues Bombers and Flash returns to the Blues Cowboys as of this Friday (the 22nd).  First Cowboys gig with Flash (Friday) is at the Grand Junction in Maitland - if we don't get washed away again.
Johnny Green & the Blues Cowboys did not make the Bluewater Country Festival at Port Stephens on the Long Weekend as they were held up by flood waters
People can now listen to Ed's CD (or most of it) free on the internet at
 www.cdbaby.com/cd/edmatzenik  www.myspace/edmatzenik.com 
and it is now released in the USA and Europe.
phone Ed for lessons at  Hunter Valley School of Music 0249 330 633.
Ed Matzenik's "The Big Guitar Party"
Ed Matzenik from Blues Cowboys with his son Ezra and Demo Dempsey.
email Ed    edmatzenik@hotmail.com   www.myspace/edmatzenik.com 
email Flashsheedy3@hotmail.com
phone 67 689218
Ed Matzenik
Ed is doing music lessons on guitar and bass.  Email Ed for Lessons 
 He also recently did "grade 2 musicianship exam (only person in Hunter Valley to get 100%. 
phone number Hunter Valley School of Music 0249 330 633.
Lost Gear in Flood
Tamworth Festival 2004 was stressful for the Blues Cowboys as they lost their trailer in the swollen Peel River when it flooded and the campers had to evacuate.  Their trailer had heaps of gear,  a 1969 vintage Fender amp of Johnny's that BB King had used.  Ed  lost his speaker box,  Demo (drummer) his custom made road case, Grunter a $2000 amp and Dave Hooper also lost a speaker box and Fender bassman amplifier.  All together about $30,000 worth of gear.   The cowboys want to thank everyone who lent or gave them replacement gear.    
Johnny Green's Blues Cowboys
The Artists in the Blues Cowboys are Johnny Green, Ed Matzenik, Flash Sheedy, Demo Dempsey, Ezra Matzenik and Grunter.
To buy Blues Cowboys CDs send $25 (Oz or US) cheque or M.O. payable to Locked Bag 66 Currabubula NSW 2342  plus a $2.50 for postage
Best Pub Band Tamworth 2000
Print out and have the memories


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