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Newcastle Steel City
Country Music Club
“Keepin Country Country”
Proudly supported
by Club Macquarie
Postal address
PO Box 124
Boolaroo 2284
Steel City C.M. Club
P.O. Box 124 Boolaroo. 2284

Steel City Country Music July Newsletter
Secretary’s Report
Those members and their friends who have not been to our Tuesday nights lately, have missed out on some great entertainment, the 22nd May saw Roger Corbet share his wonderful talent with us, then on the 29th our very own Jack Partridge entertained us, plus some wonderful new faces were a welcome sight..

You’ve never met a friendlier bunch of country nuts, so come along and join us, become a country nut and have some fun.
Country Carol.

President’s Report
Mel Hall mentioned in the last newsletter of my wish list. As we approach our 27th year, I can look back on all the young hopefuls that have come along to our club, there have always been the two types. The ones with the stars in their eyes who want to get to the top tomorrow. Then we have those that know exactly where they are going and work hard to get there. Some of the dedicated ones have been Ron Doherty, Brooke Leal even to some extent Snowy Robson, who was put on his way into country music with our club. Then of course we have Catherine Britt. Catherine was first given a guitar at the age of twelve, she practiced so much her fingers bled; her father even had to hide her guitar from her to give her fingers a rest. Within twelve months she was an accomplished guitarist. As for my wish list, well I keep waiting for the next generation to come along.

Our club has been going through some quiet times over the past three years, but there are signs we are starting to pick up.
I’ll let Mel Hall tell us about our Sunday concert, but what I would appreciate is more people learning to set up and pack away the sound equipment. (If there are any members interested, please let me know).

Thanks to Ron McMurray for stopping back and helping me pack away after the Sunday concert, unfortunately everyone disappeared.

Looking for photographs of our Souls of Country Inductees!
If there is anyone that has photographs of our inductees over the last seven years, please bring them to the club. We would like the best to display on our board. Please see me for the names of the artists.

Publicity Person’s Report:
O.K. Where do I start, “First”, I believe there is a few of us would like to apologise to President Mel for leaving him to pack up after our Sunday Concert, assisted by Ron McMurray, I mentioned about Mel putting together a wish list in my last Newsletter, O.K. he has now mentioned about the sound equipment, we need interested persons to make it known, and then address it in some organised manner, (I know there has been some members assisting with this but it appears that we need to address this, as I mentioned in some organised manner so that no one person is left on any occasion to attend to this) sometimes people don’t always necessarily volunteer to assist even though they may be willing, maybe there needs to be some communication between the members and Committee to address our needs.

Please do not let us lose sight of the fact that this is a great club and we do have some very good entertainment and loyal members, if there is anything we need to do to continue the success of this club which has been going since 1980, Let’s Do It, but we can’t survive on past success, I can see some new members coming into the club with a lot of potential, let us make them and all other members feel welcome, isn’t it great when we leave our activities and feel the warmth of a successful get together.

“Would you like to know where I have been doing during my absence from club activities”? Or should I just stick to club business? No! I like to share my experiences with other people. Mel Sommers said I will have some tall tales to tell, “Sorry Mate” all true?

I will try to make this as brief as I can, (How do I do that)? Might get the sack if the newsletter is too long, or would you like a newsletter with something to read in it? Good Question! Don’t let me be deafened by the silence.

I’ll start of at the Dunedoo Bush Poets, National Championships, where our local lady Carol Heuchan became the National Female Bush Poet Champion, one of our popular members also participated and who is always good value as an entertainer, Ken Jones, also another talented lady from Merewether, Kathy Edwards.

Then to Hartwood, Paul McCloud’s property near Tambar Springs, every Easter there is great Country Music entertainment, quick trip home, then of to Casino C.M.C.A. Village for a weekend of Bush Poetry, Jim Haynes, Kathy Edwards and her husband and other talented Bush Poet’s were there, then a week of activities with the H.F. Radio Club which involved educational seminars and socializing, great venue. Then (Life does have it’s downsides) a very quick trip home with some friends from Casino, we were able go to the Mater Hospital to see a dear friend just a few hours before he passed away and stay long enough to go to his funeral.

Next to Goulburn to see my son race his motorbikes, (You don’t need to know about Karen the New Navigator), then from there we proceed to our friends farm near Forbes for the next two weeks, (I will not tell you about Karen this time either, as I think she found us the roughest road in Australia, to Booroowa) where we were involved in all types of farm work and some wonderful friendship, but in between this we attended the Forbes Country Music Talent Quest, where I assisted the President to compere the Talent Quest and also caught up with Country Music friends, a great experience.

The Talent Quest started on the Friday night and carried on all day Saturday and night, guess who turned up there on the Saturday, another one of our popular members Ken Foote, this was to only be some entertainment for Ken, but later on to enable the backing band to have their evening meal and to keep the Talent Quest going, Ken and other talented musicians volunteered to carry on as the backing band.

Sunday morning, Recovery Breakfast (no not from the partying) then to Parkes for their regular Mother’s Day Concert, guess who was in the backing band, if you guessed Ken Foote you’re right, then he teamed up with his mate Gary Hollier from Orange to be part of the entertainment, I think it may be on video Ken (Yes a copy for you Mate, when it is processed). Rest & washing day in Forbes, then back to the farm again.

Time to head south to Wagga Wagga, where we had a great weekend of Country Music and Bush Poetry, Carol Heuchan, Jim Haynes, Greg North (Poet’s). Tom Maxwell, Ernie Constance, Melissa Bajric, Lyn Guest, Lindsay Waddington, Lindsay Butler, Shaza Lea, Grant Luhrs, Sidey’s and the Young Balladeers (The Manning Brothers, Nathan Charlton, Amos Morris). How is that for a line up? “Yes, it was great” especially on the Saturday night when Tom Maxwell, Ernie Constance and Lindsay Waddington were dressed up as “Ladies”, is that right? “Tarts”? Only joking, good to see these blokes do that bit extra to give us great entertainment. (I might just happen to have some photos).

Is that all? ”NO”(If you’ve had enough don’t read any further, if not, well here’s a bit more).

Time to head towards Dubbo via Orange, Margaret protests, I have never been to Gundagai, O.K., so we go to Gundagai to see the Dog on The Tuckerbox, Eventually we spend time with relations at Orange, then head to Dubbo for their Country Music Talent Quest, another great weekend, guess who, Yes! He is here too, K.F. a man of many talents, on the Friday night and Saturday he was just from memory, Stage Manager, Compere, Entertainer, Nice Guy and I can’t remember what else, and then on Sunday he was again Entertainer & part of the backing band. (Ken, how did you know I wanted you to sing “Walk on Bye”?

Well, after the Muster I have to visit Aunty before I leave Dubbo, But! Whenever I visit aunty there must be Pizza at sometime during the visit, it must be Hawaiian and only Dominos, So, I go to Dominos and order 1 Supreme, 1 B/B/Q Meat Lover and a Godfather, when I get in the car with the Pizzas, Margaret has a look at them and realises I had made a mistake, so I cop a bit of flack, but seeing it was getting late, I said I will take the risk on her not knowing, My aunty is a nice lady, but not backward in letting you know if something is not right, it turned out alright, but I couldn’t relax during that visit in case she noticed I had dudded her. I’ll have to write myself a note next time, at least I know I’m not perfect, are you? Karen the Navigator is starting to behave better as I am learning to tell her “Where I Would Like To Go”.

I have made some really great and valued friends through my association with Country Music and Bush Poetry, I do associate with a lot people from country N.S.W. and I am really impressed by the success of Country Music Clubs in these area’s, the level of friendliness they display and the support and encouragement they have for there younger performers and the enthusiasm these younger one’s give in return is very encouraging.

“Don’t Miss This” 27th Birthday Party

On Sunday 15th July we celebrate our 27th Birthday at Club Macquarie. The program is, a Free B/b/q lunch at 12-30pm. Then an afternoon of entertainment by Steel City Country Music Club members. Everyone is welcome, to participate, Please do invite your friends, but make sure you book them and yourself in for the B/B/Q. “See Note Below Regarding This”

Their was to be a game of social bowls, on this same afternoon, but unfortunately the bowling green sustained damage during the recent storms.

Most Important: You need to let me or Mel Sommers know if you will be coming for the B/B/Q by Tuesday night 10th July so we know how many to cater for. Your co-operation would be much appreciated, so that our afternoon will be a success and also so no one will be disappointed by missing out. (Contact Phone Numbers at bottom of Newsletter)

Sunday Concert: Our Sunday concert was a great success, this was not only due to the wonderful talent’s of our guest artist’s Melissa Bajric and Dianne Lindsay, but also to the number of loyal club members who came along and assisted with the entertainment and also those who were part of the audience, some even invited their friends. We even had one member from overseas, Ah well! Would you believe Stockton? Good to see Ya Mate!
Kind Regards
Mel Hall Publicity Person

Members Reports
Nothing to report: Is your life that boring and uninteresting, that you don’t have anything to share with us, surely some of you must have a yarn or some other snippet of information? Maybe I will have to do a bit of dentistry and try and extract some from you. I don’t bite, so feel free to approach me at any time with information or ideas; anyway I would like to get to know all members of our club.

I met Chris Stevens at our Tuesday 5th June Muster and had a very good conversation with him, thank you Chris, look forward to enjoying your company in the future.

Just a Reminder, Have you paid your 2007 membership?

“Let’s Have a Laugh”
Express Lane:
I was in the 10 items or less lane at the store quietly fuming.
Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of me had slipped into the check-out line pushing a trolley piled high with groceries.

Imagine my delight when the check-out girl beckoned the lady to come forward, looked into the cart and asked sweetly, “So which ten”?

“O.K. mine will get better when I start to get some from you” (Don’t worry I have a few in store, but I’m waiting)

For further Enquiries, please contact:
Mel Sommers President: Phone: 02 49 581 995
Mel Hall Publicity Person: Phone 02 49 506 857

Steel City C.M. Club March 2007 Newsletter
Secretary’s Report:
G’Day G’Day and how ya going—well here we are in a new year and our club has started in a big way, with an influx of new members, some with great talent, so a big welcome to:
Sherri and Dave Mace
Wayne and Tanya Doyle
Shane and Karla Harrison
Vince Concella.
Cath Ryan
Trevor Mac
We hope to continue to grow bigger as the year progresses, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate a wonderful
bundle of talent in Kirsty Akers, “Good One Kirsty”.
Hoo Roo,
Country Carol

Presidents Report:
It’s good to see some new faces amongst our performers on Tuesday nights, Wayne Doyle, Dave and Sherri Mace have fitted into club nights, they have been associated with clubs in Queensland. (Our gain Queenslands loss).
Also some of our old members have been coming along. Barry Hill and Cath Edwards have shown that they have not lost their vocal ability, you never know we may be able to entice Jack Partridge to sing a few of his George Jones Classics (better start dusting off that Guitar Jack).
Roger Corbet will be the guest performer on the 22nd May, (sorry Beryl but this will be a songwriter’s night), we will try to include poet’s on this night. (There will be more about this at a later date).

It is planned to start a regular a Sunday afternoon for our club; we would like to have this on the 1st Sunday of the month. The first will be in May or June, depending on the availability of an artist. There will be a “Special Guest Artist” on the day, also any of our own performers who are available. We hope to have lucky door prizes, trivia questions during the afternoon, with prizes given out at the end of the day.

“Just a reminder membership is due”.

Publicity Person’s Report:
Hello, Well this is my first newsletter, someone said there is not much to write about, not much happening, (Just can’t remember who that person was)?????. Well here we go.

I’m sure that everyone enjoyed Tuesday night 13th March, what a surprise to see Sue Cruickshank, still a very professional performer and great personality, credit must also go to the band that backed her and their great contribution to the entertainment that night, Ron McMurray, his wife Lucy and Bass Player Tony, I’m told they will be back again on the 2nd Tuesday in April.

Also Dave and Sherri Mace , Wayne Doyle and Barry Hill added to a great night of entertainment, we look forward to more.

As your new publicity person, I am looking forward to working with you, to promote our great club, we now have two Mel’s, Mel Sommers & Mel Hall, so we will need to work out a way of communication so that the right Mel reply’s, Mel Sommers suggested that if he doesn’t answer it must be me, maybe that will work?

I will do everything that I can to promote this club, but, the co-operation and assistance of my fellow club members is necessary to carry this out, I know that a lot of people do not like to be involved with committee’s, but the fact that I see a number of members do attend regularly on Tuesday nights does indicate to me that they are interested in the success of this club. Our President Mel does put a lot of work into arranging the program for our club & does have a lot of support from performers and artists, I know that a number of members do help in various ways, I don’t really know a lot about the things that need to happen for the club to function, maybe Mel Sommers could put together a wish list so that we all understand and then we may be better able to assist and support him.

Obviously the persons who have been the back-bone of this club have been doing something right, as it was formed in 1980 & still going. “Let us continue their good work”.

Our President Mel and I have had a discussion to start me off with my role as publicity person & I am encouraged by his remark that “anything is worth a try” instead of “We’ve tried that before & it didn’t work” (Good Stuff).

So how can you help? First, the most important thing, I believe is for everyone to feel welcome, that includes fellow members and visitors, (Especially NEW MEMBERS) O.K. A Smile, A Nod, A Wave, Hello, How Ya Goin, Handshake, G’Day, A Short Conversation. Would you like to sit with me/us? Come with me I will introduce you to other members. (If you can think of any others, please let me know.) Are you doing some of these, all of these, or none at all? (Give it a go, it does work, it not only makes others feel good, it makes you feel good too. Are you doing your best to promote this?

Why don’t we wear a name badge and our club badge, this not only identifies us as members of the club and that we are proud to be, if you are like me at remembering names, you know what I mean. I can remember Mel Sommers name (I wonder why)?

It would be good to have a get together of members & have a brainstorming session (think of ideas) on how to promote our club, please talk to me.

“Don’t Miss This” Ilsa Grant at West Leagues Club May 16th. Tickets on sale at the club. (If you don’t know who Ilsa Grant is ask me.

If you have any contributions for our newsletter or any worthwhile suggestions please let me know. I will be a bit scarce during April-May, so you have a couple of months to think about it, I will be looking forward to your communication with me.

Finally Let’s Have a Laugh:
Little Johnny’s mother was trying to get the tomato sauce out of the bottle by slapping the end and violently shaking it.
During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her son to answer it.
Hello Reverend said little Johnny, “No” mum can’t come to the phone right now. “She’s hitting the bottle.
(“Yes” they will get better, how about some from you).

“Don’t Forget” Tuesday 27th March “Special Guest Artist” “Tracy Coster”
O.K. The President has told me to stop, we might run out of paper.
Kind Regards
Mel Hall
For further enquiries, please contact:
Mel Sommers President: Phone: 49 581 995
Mel Hall Publicity Person: Phone: 49 506 857

Steel City C.M. Club
March 2007 Newsletter
P.O. Box 124 Boolaroo 2284
Secretary Report
G'Day G'Day and how ya going - well here we are in a new year and our club has started in a big way, with an influx of new members, some with great talent, so a big welcome to :
Sherri and Dave Mace
Wayne and Tanya Doyle
Shane and Karla Harrison
Vince Concella
Cath Ryan
Trevor Mac
We hope to continue to grow bigger as the year progresses, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate a wonderful bundle of talent in Kirsty Lee Akers, "Good One Kirsty".
Hoo Roo
Country Carol
Presidents Report
It's good to see some new faces amongst our performers on Tuesday nights, Wayne Doyle, Dave and Sherri Mace have fitted into club nights, they have been associated with clubs in Queensland. (Our gain Queensland's loss).  Also some of our old members have been coming along.  Barry Hill and Cath Edwards have shown that they have not lost their vocal ability, you never know we may be able to entice Jack Partridge to sing a few of his George Jones Classics (better start dusting off that Guitar Jack).
Roger Corbet will be the guest performer on the 22nd may, (sorry Beryl but this will be a songwriter's night), we will try to include poet's on this night.  (there will be more about this at a later date).

It is planned to start a regular Sunday afternoon for our club; we would like to have this on the 1st Sunday of the month.  The first will be in May or June, depending on the availability of an artist.  There will be "Special Guest Artist" on the day, also any of our own performers who are available. We hope to have lucky door prizes, trivia questions during the afternoon, with prizes given out at the end of the day.

"Just a reminder membership is due"
Publicity Person's Report
Hello, well this is my first newsletter, someone said there is not much to write about, not much happening, (Just can't remember who that person was)?????  Well here we go.
I'm sure that everyone enjoyed Tuesday night 13th March, what a surprise to see Sue Cruickshank, still a very professional performer and great personality, credit must also go to the band that backed her and their great contribution to the entertainment that night, Ron McMurray, his wife Lucy and Bass Player Tony, I'm told they will be back again on the 2nd Tuesday in April.
Also Dave and Sherri Mace, Wayne Doyle and Barry Hill added to a great night of entertainment, we look forward to more.
As your new publicity person, I am looking forward to working with you, to promote our great club, we now have two Mel's, Mel Sommers & Mel Hall, so we will need to work out a way of communication so that the right Mel reply's, Mel Sommers suggested that if he doesn't answer it must be me, maybe that will work?
Looking for Songwriters to attend songwriter nights
Newcastle Songwriters - Steel City Country Music Club - Fourth Tuesday of the month- Club Macquarie 7.30pm - ring Mel Sommers 02 4958 1995 or email emel@idle.com.au   Mel Sommers is looking to hear from songwriters who are interested in attending future songwriters nights at club Macquarie.  Any one interested can email Mel or contact him at his home number 49581995; so he can contact them when the next night is on.
Hi Members
Welcome to a brand new year. We hope that you had a safe and happy Christmas, and for those of you who went to Tamworth had a great time. Just a reminder to you that our club starts off again on Tuesday the 6th of February. Our AGM will take place the following Tuesday night which is the 13th. All committee members are asked to confirm that they are standing for their positions by the 6th of February. Any position not filled will be filled from the floor on the night.
A meeting is to take place at 730 pm; discussion, clubs future. If we are to continue on a regular Tuesday night, more people are required to take charge of the night. So please support your AGM.
The past year, although down in performers we continued to have good crowds on our Tuesday nights. Special guest throughout the year added to the attraction. Our songwriter nights were mostly well attended, thanks mainly to Rod McCormack who helped us with various artists. Felicity Urquhart was just one of the many who enjoyed the night.

Our year ended on a high, with our good friend Wayne Horsburgh being inducted into our Souls of Country. It is hoped that this year photos of our inductees will be displayed on our notice board.

It was good to see one of our long time predictions come true; Kirsty Akers winning this years Starmaker. Kirsty beat a star studded field. We wish her all the best, and feel sure that even bigger things await this pocket dynamo. Another young lady Sharnee Fenwick also made it into the final of the Starmaker. She has a great song out at the moment, and is another that will make her mark in the music scene.
Note: first night back Tuesday 6th of February.
AGM. 7.30 pm Tuesday 13th of February.
Approximately $7000 was raised for Leukaemia through the hard work of Gina Jeffreys & Friends, Mel Sommers, Club MacQuarie and the generous Fans of Country Music.
Sunday 29th 2006 Gina Jeffreys and Friends featured Beccy Cole, Aleyce Simmonds (Aleyce won the prestigious Telstra Road to Tamworth talent search in January 2005),  Ron Doherty and Gary Lowe.  Click here Photos
Also note club nights will be held on the Monday night, from the 6th of November, up until our last night for the year on the 11th of December when we will have our Christmas party with our Special guest Wayne Horsburgh. Wayne will also be inducted into our Souls of Country on the night, joining amongst others our last inductee Catherine Britt, who was inducted on the 26th of September.
The club will be in recess up until 6th of February 2007, the AGM will be held the following week on the 13th a special letter will go out to all members in January.
Special Songwriters Night
The 26th September Songwriters night had Rod McCormack and a special moment was when Catherine Britt  was inducted into the "Souls of Country".  Her Footprints cemented outside Club Macquarie.  Catherine sang regularly starting as a young twelve year old at the Newcastle Steel City Club.  Click here Catherine Britt Artist Report Page
August /September 2006
G’day, G’day an our ya goin?
Well have you been to the club lately? Will if not do yourself a favour and come along to the opening of the new renovations of Club Macquarie. This Tuesday night 22nd of August.
As well seeing all the new renovations you will be entertained by special guest performer Felicity Urquhart. She is regarded as one of our top female performers in Australia. Felicity is no stranger to our club, she hosted our festival weekend around four years ago, and is also an inductee in our Souls of Country. The best part about the night apart from the entertainment is that it is free.
We had good intentions at the start of the year, hoping to have a different band perform each week, unfortunately it hasn’t worked. Ron Doherty has been doing a great job on his night, but lately he has been left as a lone hand. We will be trying something different, trying an open mike night organized by Sam Franze with Ron Doherty. The second Tuesday of the month will be run by Rick Clark and Ken Foote. A special guest artist will perform on these nights. The first will be Aubrey and Martin Beggs. They have both performed recently on our S/W nights each on separate nights, so if you haven’t had the chance to see them together this is your chance.
Our Songwriters night will continue on for couple of months, with this coming Tuesday night being one, and on the 26th of September Rod McCormack will be in attendance. I feel sure Rod will have plenty of stories to tell , after traveling around America. Then a holiday trip to England and Europe. Rod will have a special guest songwriter with him on the night.
As part of our benefit weekend we will be running a raffle, with proceeds going to the Leukaemia foundation. The club is in the process of organizing the raffle. If you do not want the raffle books please let us know.
A book of twelve tickets will be sent to members, if you sell ten you receive two complementary tickets in the raffle. This will be drawn at our Gina Jeffreys and friends benefit concert on Sunday the 29th of October. All books sold or unsold to be returned on one our Tuesday nights or return to club address. ASAP.
It was decided at our last Club committee meeting that our next AGM will be held on Tuesday the 12th of February 2007. All members will be notified prior to the night.
It was good to catch up to one of our old members Len Duggan who made a surprise visit I hope its not the last. (sorry about the old Len)
Len said that he keeps informed with all the news thanks to Helen Mitchell’s ragepage on the web.
Well that’s enough from me see ya soon
Country Carol
June /July 2006 Newsletter
So the nights are cold, the winter chill is here, and petrol prices are going through the roof. Still that’s no excuse for not coming on Tuesday night. Just ask Beryl she has her name engraved on the front table. Sorry about this Steve and Jarrod, but Beryl’s keeping score now.
Our next songwriters night we will have the ever popular Aubrey & Martin being part of the night. It is hoped that more of our local songwriters come along and give us support. Rod McCormack, who has given great support will be overseas in America doing what he loves being involved with Bluegrass music, he said that he will be running a guitar workshop while he over there. Maybe that is something we could hold here on our benefit weekend. The August, September and October nights of our Songwriters will also be fundraisers for the Leukaemia foundation. Rod is hopeful of having Gina Jeffreys, Adam Harvey and Beccy Cole come along to some of the nights.
While on the subject of songwriters Bill Chambers advised me that he will be
Starting a songwriters night at Terrigal. Night and place to be advised.
Anyone that has not renewed their membership this will be your last newsletter. We hope that you have enjoyed being part of our family and if ever you feel the need come back and see us sometime.
While on the issue of membership, we would like to give a big Steel City welcome to our latest members. Aleyce Simmons and her family; also Mel Hall and Margaret Bagnall. Aleyce was our special guest songwriter at our last SW night. She has been working on her debut CD with Rod McCormack. For someone so young she is an accomplished songwriter with loads of talent. We wish her every success in the future.
Our attendance crowds have been up of late, although we are still a bit light on performers. One pleasing aspect is that we have some younger performers coming along. More about a young up and comer next page.
Club Macquarie will be having a special night for the opening of the new renovations. A special guest (still to be named) will be coming on one of our coming Tuesday nights.
Congratulations to Brittany Standen who competed at the recent Hunter Valley Talent quest. She was given an encouragement for the Duo, which she performed with Dean Johnston. As this was their first attempt together it was in a word: encouraging.
A young talent to keep your eye on is Mat Sandel. Matt has been coming along on Tuesday nights. He is a promising young songwriter, and handles the guitar quiet well.
Songwriter Nights - Central Coast HOST Rod McCormack GUEST Aleyce Simmonds
- Club Macquarie, Newcastle
Aussie Independent Music songwriter Mel Sommers has organised songwriter nights in Newcastle.  Mel has been involved in Country Music for over thirty years and dedicated a large part of that time to Steel City Country Music Club supporting a number of its young talent.
The songwriter evenings are held regularly on the fourth Tuesday of the month. 
  For more info contact Mel on 049581995 or emel@idl.com.au

Just a reminder to those who are a bit slow renewing your membership if you can’t make it along, fill in the form below and send it to SCCMC. PO box 124 Boolaroo 2284 and you might just win a free ticket to our weekend Charity weekend in October. More about this next newsletter
Amount paid
Single $3
Family $5

Newcastle Steel City
 CMC Newsletter March 2006
“keepin Country Country”
proudly Supported
Club Macquarie
Hi Members & how ya all goin.
Well it’s a brand new year & we started off with a bang. Bruce Howat arranged for Hank Sazarkie (sorry about the spelling) to come along for our first night back for a spot. We had around a hundred in attendance. Don’t know where everyone is since, but hopefully we can have a few more good Tuesday nights planned for the year 2006.
Time for a change:
Starting as from Tuesday the 7th of March, we hope to have a different backing band each week. The first Tuesday we have Ron Doherty and Brad Rose hosting the band. The second Tuesday the 14th. Rick Clarke, Ken Foote and hopefully Dave Forster will be in charge. Then on the 21st Peter Simpson will be in charge of the night.
The fourth Tuesday, the 28th of March, will see our first of our Songwriters nights. A special guest songwriter will be in attendance on the night. Keep in touch for who the songwriter will be.  
Read a nice story on Catherine Britt, in the Newcastle Post. It told how as a 11 year old she was invited by Bill Chambers to sing on stage with him. Sounds good, but Catherine was nearer 14, and it was at the Steel City Country Music Club. We had invited Bill and Audrey, Bill’s singing partner at the time to one of our Tuesday nights. After they had finished their spot Catherine went backstage to the dressing room. She inquired about some Hank Williams numbers, Bill was intrigued that someone so young would be interested in Hank Williams, and asked to sing for him. The rest they say is history. Catherine through determination and sheer grit has managed to get herself to a level in country music that most can only dream of. We are proud of our involvement with her and wish her even more success in the future.
Who will be the next to follow? Kirsty Akers has a big chance, after winning a songwriters trip to Nashville with the Telstra road to Tamworth. Kirsty though small in stature is big in talent.
Another young girl that with dedication can make a impact in music. Brittany Standen, has became a regular on our Tuesday nights, each week sees an improvement. She listens to advice and tries to correct her mistakes. She has started on
guitar lessons, so you can expect her playing some Tuesday night in the not to distant future.
Members fees now due:
Yes, its that time of the year again. Flo has asked me to give you a reminder. Fees are now due. It is still $3 single or $5 a double.

Yes I know it’s a little early to think about Christmas. But I just had to tell you now so you can put in your little black book. Wayne Horsburgh will be our special invited guest on the night. We will also be inducting Wayne into our Souls of Country. There is going to be another inductee on the night, will let you know at a later date.
It has been decided not to go ahead with our festival this year. Unfortunately lack of support has led us to believe it is not worthwhile. We may decide to reschedule it in the early part of 2007. This will depend on how much support is for coming.
The road to Telstra is a good concept, but unfortunately performers are ignoring the regular talent quest, which for years was the old stepping stone.
Newcastle had that many entries for the Telstra quest many missed out, yet locals could not even bothering to compete at our quest.
One person who is entirely grateful is our winner from our Championship. Jason-Lee. He is in regular contact, letting us know about his updates. And has already offered to come back for a spot. We will more than likely use him on our big charity weekend in October with Rod and Gina.
It would be nice to see some of our old performers to pay us a visit, so dust off the cobwebs, maybe write a song and come along. There is a few renovations going on at the club, just bear with it, it will be worth it in the long run.
Hoo roo for now from
Country Carol
Photo supplied by Ann Lowe
The boys are back, at least they were closer to being boys when this photo was taken.  Aubrey and Martin will be back at our Christmas Party on the 13th; so make sure you come along.  Do not bring any eats, as the club will be supplying the nibblies.  
Yes Santa will make a special appearance so bring the young ones for a treat.  To everyone that has come along through out the year we wish you a safe and happy Christmas and great new year.
Hoo roo from Country Carol  
G’day, G’day an how ya going.
the last couple of weeks were been having our junior instrumental quest. There has been some great young talent on show. The final for both juniors, 12 years and under, and the 13 to 16 years will now take place 7.30 pm on Tuesday the 20th of September. Make sure you are early this night as the competition will start right on 7.30 pm.
One of our members Keith Imber is on the sick list. We miss Keith’s melodious sounds on his slide, steel. Everyone from our club wishes him a speedy recovery.
Now for your little black book. Our fun-bowls day is on for the 25th of September, at the Boolaroo bowling club. It is a fun day so even if you haven’t bowled before come along. Starts at 1.30 pm we also require performers for the afternoon when the bowls are finished. See Mel and let him know if you are available. This is another fund raiser for the Leukaemia foundation. Profits raised from the Stockton RSL club came to $707.
Our walk-a-thon has been cancelled. There is a couple of reasons. One being the water board has work going on at park in Warners bay. Although they say they should be finished in time there is still a doubt; also we have not had a reply from the police, although it has been six weeks and two phone calls. We also need sponsors, and time is running out. Maybe later on when it not close to our festival we may look to having it.
Anyone interested in booking for our festival, and would like the pick of the auditorium. Our members will get first option. If we fill the Saturday night with the Wolverines we will get around a $2000 donation to the fund. Of course on the Sunday we will have the fabulous ‘friends of Gina’ concert. Enquires are coming in already. Members once more get first preference. Tickets will be available next week.
A great item of interest, will be a painting by local artist Peter Butler. All I can say that it has something to do with Slim Dusty. It hasn’t been decided whether it will be auctioned or raffled. It should be on display by the end of the month. Either way it will available on the friends of Gina Jeffreys concert which has now become an annual event for the Leukaemia foundation. Rod assures me that once more there will be a great line up of performers.
 Regards Mel
Stockton Charity Concert
A great afternoon of entertainment was had by all in attendance. With over seven hundred dollars being raised. Once again Paul Jones hounded the local business houses for raffles. A big thanks to the artist that made their way overseas to perform, I hope that everyone had their passports endorsed by the unofficial mayor of Stockton Ken Jones.
With the countdown on for our festival, we are getting enquires from far a field, so hopefully we will have a good role up of talent.
John Stephen has indicated his interest in being available for the festival. John has a great duo out with John
Williamson called wrinkles. A long range tip. Nomination for or maybe even a gold guitar for duo.
If you haven’t been to the club of late, our area where we perform on the Tuesday night it is all smoke free. For those that feel the need for a cigarette the bar and poker machine area smoking is still allowed.
One more quick item our Christmas party is on the 13th of December with Aubrey and Martin as our guest.
Hooroo for now
Country Carol
Newcastle Steel City
 CMC Newsletter July 2005

“keepin Country Country”
proudly Supported
Club Macquarie

G’day, G’day and how ya goin.
So the nights are getting cold, and there has been a little bit of rain around. Guess what the club has air-conditioning those that have braved the weather have had a great time.
As we mentioned last newsletter that we would be having our silver anniversary on the 24th of July. Well I’m pleased to announce that we have that very popular balladeer Tracy Coster as our GA.
So we would appreciate your company on the day. If you know of any former members pass the message on to them. If we have time for any others to perform on the day members will be given preference. We will try to accommodate all but depends on time.
Our festival entry forms are now available. There has been a few changes so if you are interested check with Mel. There has been a couple of sections taken out, one being the instrumental, so it has been decided to hold two Junior sections 12 years and under and a 13 to 16 years. We are hoping to hold four heats and two finals. One night for the 12 years and under then the 13 to 16 section.
With $400 in prize money and trophies it is certainly worth while for any budding musician. The first heat will be held Tuesday the 16th of August the quest will start at 730pm.
The first of the Leukaemia foundation concerts has been organized; it is to be held at the Stockton RSL club on Sunday the 14th of August. The Jones boys Paul and Ken will be in for a busy time the next month at Stockton.
There is to be another concert to be held, venue still to be confirmed, hopefully in September. All I can say is start practicing your bowling technique, and I don’t mean ten pin.
Don’t forget our AGM will take place on Tuesday the 30th starting at 7pm sharp. Any correspondence must reach the secretary by the 23rd of August.
We are just waiting for final approval from the Council, for our walk around the lake. You only have three months to get fit, so start off with some nice leisurely walks. Before you know it you will be super fit. Well maybe not super fit, but fit enough for our walk. This will not be a race, but there will be silver anniversary trophies for the youngest, the oldest, and the most unusually dressed for the occasion. More about this next letter.
Two of our club stalwarts of the past five years, Brian & Kathleen Young are relocating to Quirindi. Brian was the one who would hound you to buy our raffle tickets. I’m sure everyone connected with our club, wish them all the best.
The club is in the process of having a new back drop made up for us, so the next time you decide to come along maybe you will see our new addition.
A word from Mel
It is disappointing that some of our senior members do not take more responsibility with the club. It would be nice to see some of you take a bit more interest, instead of just surmising that everything just falls into place. Twenty-five years is a long time, so we need new ideas, and help to keep things going. Just because you are not on the committee doesn’t mean that you can’t help.
I have heard some say I was going to come last week but I had a head cold. I know sometimes it is hard to get motivated, I don’t want to complain but over the last two years I have had a torn shoulder tendon. The same type that kept Kostya Tszyu out action for two years, and I am just getting over a torn rib cartilage. And I haven’t missed a night. But as you can see by my injuries, life is staring to catch up to me, so if you can spare the time, pay us a visit.
Well he must be getting old winging away. As I said last letter, keep me informed any info.
To PO Box 124 Boolaroo 2284
Country Carol

Newcastle Steel City
 CMC Newsletter May 2005
G’day, G’day and how ya goin
Its good to see some new, and not so new faces coming back to the club. Each night being different from the other with unexpected guest dropping in. It was good to see Ron Doherty and wife Jenny who called in a couple of weeks back. They said that they will have a new comer to the club towards the end of the year, Don’t know yet if it will be a young Ron or a Veronica.
Someone remarked that it is disappointing, that more of those that came up through the club, don’t pay us a visit now and then. Yes it would be nice, who knows maybe we might see some at our 25th birthday party on the 24th of July. There will be a guest artist, come along to the club for more information.
Our Songwriters workshop although disappointing in numbers (seven, the same type of w/shop held at Tamworth run by Roger Corbett was booked out) was very informative. Mel said that he has written three songs since using information gained from workshop. Mel has had some good news regarding his songs. Roll with the punches and Proud to be Australian is being recorded by Brian Letton. He has also co-wrote two songs with Shaza for her next Album.
The good and the bad of Karaoke. There has been a Junior Karaoke, being run over the last few weeks at the club. The good part is the young ones get the chance to perform in front of an audience. The Bad: most young ones do not know what key they sing in. So they have to try to sing in whatever
The result most sing off pitch and get into bad habits as well as doing damage to there voices. It’s a pity they don’t take advantage of clubs like ours to find out more
A big thanks to those members who gave up their time for the Charity concert at the Beresfield Bowling club. Haven’t been told the final figure. But around $3000 was mentioned.
Had a call from Kent Daniel, who just happen to play with our good friend, fiddle player extrodionare Dave Forster. He is running a get together last Thursday of the month at the old Imperial hotel Maitland. Any songwriters poets or storyteller will be most welcome.
We also have entry forms for the Hunter Valley Talent Quest in June. It will be their Twenty-fifth, they should be congratulated. It takes a lot of hard work to run each week. As well we all know.
Ken Jones and Mel Sommers are thinking of running a songwriters think tank. If it takes off will be on a Sunday morning once a month. If interested let us know.
It’s good to see more new members. A big welcome to Michele and Peter Rees, also their daughter
Erica who made her debut on our stage last week.
Looking forward in hearing a lot more of her.
Talking about membership those that have not renewed their membership this will be your last newsletter.
Thank you for being a member for and your participation
So membership now overdue.

It is hoped to organize around three concerts for the Leukaemia Foundation. Leading up to our festival in October. Also on the agenda is a walk-a –thon. It is hoped that it be the week before the festival, with the walk taking place at the Teralba sailing shed at marmong point to Warners Bay a nice scenic leisurely walk of around 7km. Anyone that has been involve in this sort of activity and you can help.. Please speak up. Hopefully we can arrange entertainment at the bay and BBQ. More about this later on.

As you well know this is our Silver Anniversary, one of our members has penned a song for the occasion. What’s the name you may ask? Twenty-five. So come along one Tuesday night and have a listen maybe you can suggest a new one.
Our AGM is to take place 7pm Tuesday 30th of August any business letters must reach the Secretary by the 23rd of August. All nominations for committee in by the same date.
A couple of articles for sales at a good price.
A Behringer Virtualizer Pro $150
A Kwai GB 4 session trainer with 100 pre set songs
Plus extras $450
Phone 49581995
Well catch you around, and don’t forget let me know of any gossip going on.
Any news send to PO Box 124 Boolaroo 2284.
Country Carol
Newcastle Steel City CMC Newsletter March 2005
G’day, G’day
Were back you guessed it, it’s the start of a great new year and were back at Club Macquarie every Tuesday night.
It’s going to be a big year for our club, as we are celebrating our twenty-fifth anniversary this July that right our Silver
Anniversary. There is big plans for a great night of celebrations and will lead up to our Festival.
Our Festival this year is going to have a few changes but we hope that the weekend will be bigger and better than ever.
On the Saturday night we have the absolutely fabulous Wolverines. And of course the wonderful Gina and her friends on the Sunday afternoon. We are offering a lay-bye scheme to our members and their friends. The wolverines show is $22 Gina’s show is $15. I will start a special lay by book, so you can pay a little each week and have your ticket payed up before October our members buying their tickets early will have first choice for where they wish to sit. So a couple wishing to attend both days would only have to pay $2.50 a week or 1 less beer per Tuesday night and you’ll be fully paid up.
A little PS: about the Wolverines our club played host to their first time together as the Wolverines and Darcy Leyear scratched up $25,000 not a bad pay for a days work

A Songwriters workshop will be held hopefully in April with Roger Corbett. Roger is one of the Tutors from the College of Country music at Tamworth. There will only be around twenty vacancies so if interested let Mel know ASAP.
Cost will be members $20 non-members $25 coffee and Tea will be supplied will be a full day
Talking about membership, fees for 2005 is now due. In 1980 when our club first started membership was $2, after 25 years it is $3, or a couple for $5 making it $2.50 each; talk about inflation.
Allan Wood has come up with a suggestion of a walk– a-thon around the lake, with those interested obtaining sponsors we could finish up with country music entrainment. More about this later on.

A warm welcome to our new members Stephen and Kim Boyd,
Charlene Bennett , Steve and Jarrod Ducat.
Hooroo from country Carol.
SCCMC PO Box 124 Boolaroo 2284 or email to emel@idl.com.au  \
Committee persons please note next meeting Tuesday 29th at 7pm
The following is the results of the Steel City CMC Talent Quest Talent Quest
15th 16th 17th of October 2004
New South Wales
Champion of Champions
Jody Wurth
Junior 12years and under
First place                 Grace Parker
Second place             Makaylie Foody
Third place                Shayne Lenord
Junior 13 to 16 years
First place              Samantha Asser
Second place          Samantha Lenord
Third place             Kirstie Bowden
King of Country
First place              Ben Hazel
Second place         Ryan Morris
Third place            Mal Podmore
Queen of Country
First place           Andrea Young
Second place       Khiara Cummings
Third place          Jessica Smith
First place            Ken Jones
Second place       Peter Moanora
Third place          Shirley Llewellyn
First place          Ben Hazel
Second place      Shayne Lenord
Third place         Ben Lenord
Junior Gospel  
 First place          Derek Thompson                  
Second place       Makaylie Foodey
Third place          Samantha Lenord
Senior Gospel
First place          Ben Hazel
Second place      Khiara Cummings
Third place         Ken Jones
Junior Australian
First place          Samantha Lenord
Second place     Shayne Lenord
Third place        Kirstie Bowden
Senior Australian
First place         Ben Hazel
Second place     Khiara Cummings
Third place        Jessica Smith
Duo or Group
First place       Jessica Smith &
                       Ben Hazel
Second place  Ken Jones &
                       Peter Moanora
Third place    Maykaylie Foodey &
                      Samantha Lenord
Overall Junior   Samantha Lenord
Overall Senior  Ben Hazel
New South Wales
Champion of Champions
Jody Wurth
G’Day, G’day
And how ya goin?
Well this is it our festival after all these months of planning is here, or at least it will be on the 15th 16th 17th of October. Our Championship will be closely contested this year if listening to the tapes are any indication, there is some great talent to be heard, so don’t forget you members come along and give your support and remember show your membership card and you receive free entry into the Talent Quest also on the Saturday night, sorry but your membership is not transferable. Seeing your getting such a great deal how about chasing up a few neighbours to come along as well, lets make Saturday night a great night.
Our day at the Stockton RSL club was a great day and we raised over $1500 for the Leukaemia foundation. Paul Jones did a great job going around the business houses getting raffle prizes. And donations, he also didn't mind having his beard coloured but he stopped short of having a shave beard or hair. Maybe next time Paul.   Talking about raffle prizes I hope thse that took the forms put all that time back made good use of them and have some good prizes for our raffles over the weekend of our festival, we do require them in asap
The finalist for our Champions of Champions are as follows.
Ross McGregor Central Coast
Merilyn Steele Sydney
Justeen Barber Central Coast
Ben Hazell Tamworth
Ryan Morris Fitzroy Falls
Jody Wurth Newcastle
Victoria Edwards Moree
Jodie-lee Gibson Greta
Jay Podger Pambula
Andrea Young Wingham

Comperes for the night will be Ron Doherty and Brooke Leal
One of our members has a Piano accordion for sale it is an Italian made needs some repairs but could well be a collectors item he said he would take fifty dollars for it. If interested see Mel for details.
We have had a few enquires about our festival, though we would like to see a bit more interest, but knowing the way ours works it seems we always have more coming in on the last day, so this year will be no exception.
Mel had a meeting with Rod McCormack last week and he said that they were looking forward to the day some names mentioned for the Sunday are
Carol or should I say Country Carol
The Newcastle Steel City Country Music Club Festival and NSW Champion of Champions weekend
15th, 16th and 17th October at Club Macquarie
Festival Talent Quest
Conditions of Entry
Entry to the Talent Quest is restricted to Amateurs and Semi-professional only.
All songs (at Judges discretion) must be country.
A contestant must appear only once per section. Chord charts must be supplied if using backing band.
Pre recorded backing music will not be permitted.  No vocal backing is allowed in any solo section.
Duo or Group is the only section where multiple vocal will be permitted.
Own backing required for Australian, Duo or Group & Songwriters. (restricted to one other instrument)
Veterans may enter either the King or Queen section or the Veterans section, will not be allowed to enter both.
Junior, Teens are not permitted to enter the Senior sections but are permitted to enter the instrumental,
Duo or Group and the Songwriters sections.
In the Australian section the entrant must perform a song written by an Australian composer,
 a song performed by an Australian performer but written by an overseas performer will not be accepted.
Entrants in the Songwriters section must perform their own composition and supply three
copies of their lyrics for the Judges. 
A performer may perform a song for another songwriter, but will not be able to perform twice in the
Songwriters section.   To qualify for Junior performer of the Festival making you eligible for the Nationals in
Canberra in 2005, you must enter your Junior age restricted section, Junior Gospel and Junior Australian.
To qualify for the Senior Performer of the Festival making you  eligible for the Nationals in Canberra in 2005
and also the final of the  NSW Champion of Champions 2005 you must enter the King or
Queen Sections also the Senior Gospel and Australian sections.  Entrants must be available 830am on the Saturday
and Sunday of the Quest no entries accepted after section of quest has started.
G'day, G'day
and how ya goin?
Our Club nights musically has been going really going really good with Rick Ken Dave Peter and Keith showing the way, but it would be nice to see a few more of the old faces grace our club and lend some support. If you can spare some time and come along on Sunday the 20th June at 2pm we will be inducting two locals into our (Souls of Country). Both are performers who grew up in our club spending many years learning their craft. They are Brooke Leal and Ron Doherty. So lend your support and come along for some good entertainment. It is hoped in the near future to have a show case behind where we play on Tuesday nights with a photograph of our inductees. Our program is now available for our festival, Mal has recently talked to Rod who says that he is looking forward to our coming festival. We are hoping to raise plenty of money with auctions on the day. We are looking for anyone that can help out with artefacts to auction, so if you can help out please let us know.
Talent Quest. Starting on Tuesday 6th July we will be running a talent quest, entry forms are now available. The winners will gain automatic entry into our champion of champions final on Saturday 6th October, where the winner has the chance to join our previous winners in the Australian College of Country Music at Tamworth in January 2005.
Old Codgers Talent Quest. Just so the veterans of our music don't feel neglected we will be running our quest in late July or early August, hopefully the man who started the idea Ken Jones will be well enough to make an appearance. Ken suffered a heart attach a couple of weeks back and since had a triple bipass. We wish Ken a speedy recovery. Ken has just brought a book of his poetry and his story of life and I am sure he will have a few available on our Old Codgers Night. So keep yourself informed and make a night of it, of course the best way to keep informed is to come a long on Tuesday nights. Our first old codgers contest was held back in 1993 and was won by Jerry Wall, we have had a couple of interstate winners in Loris Fahey from Queensland and Peter Robson from Western Australia, so our little trophy certainly gets around. I know that country music has come a long way over the years but reading about some of our early stars certainly had colourful names. Roger Hogan became Dusty Rankin, Harold Williams became Buddy Williams. Then Gordon Kirkpatrick became Slim Dusty, and Herbert Charles Dawson became Smokey Dawson, but the one who caught my eye was Bill Blinkhorn became Smilin' Billy Blinkhorn, a Canadian who settled in Australia in 1939. He had his own radio show at 2GB and recorded 6 songs with Regal Zonophone, but when war started he served in New Guinea and the Philippines he became interested in Australian folk law and wrote a song called "Poor Ned Kelly". It was released again by a folk group in 1971, 32 years after Bill recorded his own version. Does anyone know if the song Poor Ned is the same? The last recording Smiling Bill made was in 1950. He continued living in Sydney, and he was just one of our many colourful characters who helped start our country music. Maybe we need a few more colourful characters to come along. (Extracts taken from Eric Watson's Country Music in Australia)
Vale Trish Kembrey Trish first came to our club in 1980 just after we started our club and in 1982 won our female section of the talent quest. Trish was a regular with the club for a number of years. She toured with Brian Young and was lucky to survive the plane crash that took the life of one of the band members. She performed with Wild Dove for a number of years. The last couple of years she worked with Mel. Mel said they were just starting to get their act together when Trish and her companion Sue moved to Tamworth. She continued working with Wayne Elliot, doing a regular monthly show at the Currabublla Hotel and actually played their in late March, where a number of her fans and family members travelled their just to be there just to be with her. This was Trish's last show she was a lovely person who was always ready to help out for any charities. She appeared on most leukaemia foundation shows that Mel ran over the last 3 years. Trish lost her battle with cancer on the 19th May 2004 and her funeral service was held on 25th May 2004. As one of her brothers said, "Trish you've got a good rent a crowd and an estimated crowd of between 300 and 400 crowded into the chapel, flowing to the grounds outside. Trish was just 42.

Be seeing ya Country
For any info or gossip drop me a line to
Po Box 124 Boolaroo 2284
April 2004
G'day, G'day
and how ya goin
If you weren't  there then you missed it-- We have been having guest comperes and so far we have had Dennis Shoesmith, who thoroughly enjoyed himself and wants to come back.  Then on the past Tuesday we had the wonderfully talented Brooke Leal, she also had a great time and is looking forward in coming back. 
We had our first workshop on the 28th of March featuring the talents of Rick Clark, Capri Gaul, Ken Foote and David Foster, who were there to answer questions on music and help out with chords charts.  There will be another workshop on the 18th of April, if you have any interested people let me or Mel know: asap    A further workshop will be on the 16th May each workshop will be followed by a concert .  The workshops and concert are completely free, that's right no charge you pay nothing but you get all the benefits.  Where else would you get a better deal than that. 
If you bumped into Mel lately, you might have bumped into him literally because ya didn't recognize him as he had all his hair cut off for the Leukaemia foundation.  "Shave for a Cure" he managed to raise $552 in just the two weeks he had available before our event on the 28th March
Delilah (Carol) ready for the cut on Mel                   Peter Burgin getting ready      
Mel and Rick comparing hair styles.
We have two more dates to enter in your diary.
Tuesday the 20th of April we are having a Poet's corner hosted by Kath Edwards and some of Newcastle's finest bush poets.   It is hoped that we can get enough interest to once more include the poets in our Festival in October. 
The next big event we are having is a back to the Seventies night on the 11th of May.  It will also be a "bring a friend night".  If you don't have a friend, then rent one for the night.  (only joking)  In case you have forgotten what the seventies dress code was, let me remind you, Hot Pants, Flairs, Body Shirts, Long hair and lots of peace signs and beads, remember I'm sure you do. 

You don't have to tgo this far!!  but it’s might give you a few ideas

PS- Don't forget that you have until the 11th of May to re-join and get the great deal mentioned in the last newsletter.  If unfinancial after this date you will not receive another newsletter.
G’Day, G’Day
And how are you going?
Welcome back to the start of a New Year, and have we got some great things planned!

On Sunday the 28th of March Rick Clark, Capri Gaul, Ken Foote and Dave Foster will host a workshop in one of the Club Macquarie lounge starting at 1pm going until 230pm. We would like to encourage young would be performers to attend, so if you happen to know of any that would be interested please pass on the information, if you would like to know more see either myself or Mel. Then if that’s not enough from 3pm to 6pm the same said people will entertain in the lower lounge, so come along for some Easy Listening Music.

We are also looking into running a Talent Quest starting mid year and running over a period of weeks with the winner going direct into the Champs night at our festival, this saves them from qualifying to get in, more about that next newsletter.

We are looking for members to come forward and compare on our Tuesday nights, especially those that are not performers it is important that we have more involvement from our members, so if you feel you would like to give it a go just let us know. I guess you can’t help but notice our nice big notice board kindly donated by Mitre ten Boolaroo. On our Jam nights performers are asked to write their name on the board if they would like to play on the night, this is a system used in our club from around our first night and only stopped a couple of years back; if you are running late, and wish to play on the night ask someone to put your name on the board so you don’t miss out.

Speaking of members it is that time again Membership is now due, but now for the good news, if you join or any of our past members decide to rejoin by Tuesday the 10th of May you will receive a free pass to our festival which will include free entry into the Talent Quest and free entry into the Champs night on the Saturday night, but not our Charity concert on the Sunday.

Our Champs winner from last year John Stephan was given the highest acclaim, from his peers at the college, they said that in all the years that the college has been running, (around eight,) he had the best voice they had heard.

I guess it proves our Judges were right.

Also on the subject of John he has agreed to come back for our festival and act as compare for the Saturday night, I’m sure everyone will enjoy meeting up with him again.

Our move on the Tuesday night to the entertainment section near the bar has proved a great success with more people becoming involved either by audience participation or an occasional performer, so if you have been putting coming back dust off the old guitar, tune it up and as that game show host says “come on down.”

Do you know the name of this Duo? They worked together around Newcastle in the eighties; the old guitar might give a clue.
Looking forward in catching up with you once again; we’ll be there on any Tuesday night, and don’t forget the 28th of March.
Be seeing ya Country
For any info or gossip drop me a line to
Po Box 124 Boolaroo 2284

Adam Harvey
G’Day, G’Day
And how are you going?
Immortal words sang by an immortal man, sadly we have lost Slim but his words and music will live on forever in the hearts and souls of all Country Music lovers world wide.

If you happened to be off this planet at the time of our festival then you can be forgiven for missing our greatest weekend ever.

The juniors in the Saturday morning quests just can’t seem to get any better but every year they just knock your sox off with their talent, and that’s how it was all weekend, whoever got up to sing you were left shaking your head and saying wow, but the best was saved until last when Rod and Gina and their mates held the Leukaemia Concert.

Gina is just so genuine and lovely she makes you feel that you are just sitting in her lounge room having a chat, not in an audience of over 200 people, she even brought baby pictures along to show us an of course he is the most adorable baby I’ve ever seen, besides my Grandson of course. And if you missed the gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, wonderful ( Not biased mind you) tones of the gorgeous hunk Adam Harvey, ha, ha you should have just been there huh, not only does he look good and sing wonderful but he is so, so tall I managed to touch his arm and I’m never washing my hand again. And Lyn Bowtell and Brendan Walmsley were absolutely superb, besides the great singing they are great people and of course all you want to do is rush out and buy there CD’s so you can listen to them time and time again.

And on the Saturday night at our Championship where the Talent was unbelievable from Gary Carson Jones from Bega, to Sharon –Lee Lane from Dubbo and Faith Julija from Cecil Hill. We may have just seen a star of the future in our winner John Stephan from Five Dock, remember that name.

All told we managed to raise $5832.75 for the Leukaemia foundation and hopefully there is still more to come in. PTO

This Sunday the 2nd of May is our Country Gospel and Ballad Sunday with the very talented and beautiful Carol Donovan all are welcome in the

Downstairs lounge of Club Macquarie at 2pm Our Xmas party will be held 2pm on the Sunday the 7th of December featuring a real stunner in Donella Plane. If you could let us know if you are bringing any children along it would be greatly appreciated.

One of our newest members is Ken Foote, Ken has played Bass guitar in Ian McLeod’s Rockabilly band for a number of years now Ken is based around our area and it is great to have his talent available. Ken has asked that any of our performers who would like help with chord charts, either for our club nights or talent quests he is willing to help them out, perhaps in the new year we could do something constructive.

If you have been missing of late and there has been quiet a few of you, it has been good to see Rick Clarke come along once more and help out, Rick loves to be involved and is always willing to help out, then there is Dave our fiddle player when he lets loose he really makes that fiddle sing. And here’s a name for the future Assari McPherson eleven years old going on twenty-five has so much confidence and loves Roy Oberson once he discovers some of the other great performers there will be no holding him back.

Don’t forget that the raffles start next Tuesday the 11th of November an continue on until the 16th of December so parking will be most difficult so be early and enjoy the raffles and win a few prizes then enjoy the music we will be a little late starting somewhere between 8 and 830 straight after the raffles are completed, and we will be playing in the area just opposite the bar so it is easier to come in from the bowling club side.

Our last club night will be the 9th of December and we will return with renewed enthusiasm the first Tuesday in February which is the 3rd.

So have a merry Christmas and if you’re taking a holiday have a great and safe one.
On behalf of Mel and all the Committee, thanks for your support in 2003

Hoo Roo from Country
Benn Joel a young Tamworth / Manilla Talent walked away with the Joey Young Award at the 2003 Steel city country music club's Talent Quest. Benn Says "I am so over whelmed.  I didn't perform as much as what I wanted to or do as well as what I wanted to but the club has made me remember that I do have talent".  The festival was held on the Long weekend in October and was a muched loved experience. Please check out
Newcastle Steel City Country Music Club
Leukaemia Foundation Concert 2003
On Sunday 5th October some of our top artists donated their time and considerable talent to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation.   Gina Jeffreys, Rod McCormack, Adam Harvey, Brendon Walmsley and Lyn Bowtell performed to a very enthusiastic crowd at a fund raiser at the Club Macquarie,  Argenton.    A special treat was provided when the NSW Champion of Champions, John Stephan sang a couple of songs to prove what a worthy winner he is.   An auction was held and a pair of Gina's boots went for $200,  a print $150 and a guitar autographed by many great country artists raised $600.   Altogether a sum of $5995 was raised and presented to a representative of the Leukaemia Foundation .   All agreed that it was an excellent concert and what a wonderful gesture of goodwill that for many years Rod McCormack in collaboration with Mel Sommers from the Steel City Country Music Club have selflessly given up their precious time for such a worthy cause.

Gina Jeffreys and Rod McCormack


Adam Harvey, Rod McCormack and Gina Jeffreys

John Stephan (NSW Champion of Champion) and Rod McCormack
Lyn Bowtell

Brendon Walmsley

Gina donated her Boots for Auction

Mel Sommers with the autograph                    Gina and Kodi who is 8 yrs.   Kodi won
                       guitar that was Auctioned                                  the Junior Talent at the Festival                    
Kodi , Sharon (Who was also in the Champion of Champions), Tony and Shahn Lane winning
bidders of the autograph guitar



George Clack and Mel Sommers

Adam Harvey and his dad Les


G’Day G’Day
Well were still here at Club Macquarie just in case any of you have forgotten- every Tuesday night at 730pm. We don’t bite you know and if you come along you might just find out were having a good time.
We have two of the best country guitarist in the Barry Thornton style in Leon Smith and Peter Simpson; hearing them play is well worth the cost of admission, which by the way is still zero. Also you might just happen to hear a fine fiddle player.  The boys have been having a great time with their Jam sessions.

On a sad note, one of our former President and good friend past away recently in Glen Caban. Glen was in the early stages of our club an a great stalwart who was always there to help anyone in need he loved his music which was Country and played in numerous Bands in Newcastle. He will be sadly missed. Our condolences go to Pat and family

Another of our good friends in Ian Cairns also passed away only a week after Glen, Ian played at some of our early Festivals he was an easy going person and always had time for a talk with anyone.
 Our last Sunday Gospel and Country Ballad day went over quiet well with special guest Trevor Day drawing a good crowd. You had better put in your diary that the next such show will be on the Sunday the 2nd of November with the guest artist being Carol Donovan.

Then on the 7th of December we will celebrate the next Gospel and Country Ballad day with double celebrations with our Christmas party on the same day our special guest for day besides Santa Clause will be Donella Plane
Well that will have to do from me for now- please come along on Tuesday night and say hello, my memory is failing and I’m forgetting what some of you look like- have pity on this ageing individual and jog my memory.

Can you help? We have a number of contestants traveling to our festival that are in need of accommodation; with all the activities that are taking place in Newcastle this weekend local accommodation is near impossible to obtain. So if you feel you can help be it caravan or a spare room could you please let us know ASAP
Hoo Roo from

Country Carol

Phone 49581995


Mel Sommers has written a book "The Time of My Life" $12, two of which goes to the Leukaemia foundation.   This is an autobiography of his early life.     Also his collection of Australian Verse. 

“Proudly Supporting Steel City CMC”
Newsletter  August 2002
Po Box 124 Boolaroo 2284
Good day Good day
And how ya going?

Seeing that you maybe one of the one’s that have been missing from our Tuesday nights I had better let you know what’s doing.

We have advertised in the post looking for more artist, musicians and audience and it is nice to see some new faces come along, but we are still looking for some of our old members to resurface, so if you have been missing about time you came along.

Our Gospel Sundays have although been quiet have been great entertainment. At our last day we had visitors from the Toronto Nursing home come along they loved the entertainment and can’t wait for the next one which we are having on the 6th of July. It will be a special day as we will induct into our Souls of Country two of local products in Carol Donovan and Brook Leal who will also sing on the day.  The show starts at 2pm and goes to around 5pm cost is of course free.


In years gone by girls sang Loretta Lyn, Patsy Clyne, Dolly Parton songs now we are seeing them want to sing Shania Twain Dixie Chicks and of course Kasey Chambers, also we are now

seeing young ones singing Catherine Britt songs. It wasn’t that long back that Catherine as a young twelve year old was trying to sing the same songs, it was when she decided to learn guitar that she discovered Hank Williams and it seemed in no time at all she was a competent guitarist.

Sound equipment

We have had complaints about our sound all be it not to our face, it is hard for either Allan and Mel to be able to play and run the sound at the same time no one wants to commit themselves to sitting down at the desk and doing the sound. So it is up to Allan who most times plays the drums or Mel  who is either on Bass or guitar to adjust before and after each performer.

So if you can help out by being involved this is your chance.

Songwriters & Music know how workshop.

After a lot of negotiation we have organized a workshop for the 17th of August at Club Macquarie. With Australian College of Country Music Tutors Roger Corbett, possibly Lyn Bowtell and maybe Rod McCormack in attendance.

Forms are now available and can be obtained from Mel on club nights, but get in early as there will only be limited vacancies this is not restricted to club members.

The class will go from 10am to 4pm a concert maybe organized starting around 5pm going to 7pm this is yet to be confirmed.

With the lack of support for our Golden Oldies Talent Quest it has been decided to incorporate it back with the Festival in October. We are hopeful of bringing back the Duo section but this is depending on time available on the programme.

October News 
Message from Mel

 Over the years I have seen lots of performers use our club as a stepping stone 

to better things, which is I guess how it should be, but it would be nice to have some stay around andd 
help with the running of the club, if you haven’t noticed we are all getting older and a little slower, if wee 
don’t  have new keen people to run the club how long can it last, and where would the hopefuls 
manage to practice there songs, and where would our new stars come from, we can’t all be stars butt 
at least we can be helpers.
            Well see ya all from country Carol

Postal address PO Box 124 Boolaroo 2284
Any enquires please phone 0249 581995  
Click here for information on Mel Sommers CD

"Proud to be Australian"

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