- Photos taken by
- James Carrett
and Carol & Fred Dwyer.
- John Bridgeland and new Liddy
mandolin, John Liddy at rear.
- A nice crowd in the big tent.
- Lonnie Hoppers and Dan Jones.
- The Davidson boys cooking up a storm.
Phil Parker from Adelaide on guitar
supported by John and Geoff Bridgeland
and John Taylor on bass.
- Bluegrass Parkway, first class
entertainers on the Australian bluegrass scene
- Fred Dwyer
- Rob McCarthy, a dab hand on the
fiddle as well as the banjo.
- The dobro jam went over well with the
pickers as well as the audience.
- Stacy York and Joe Isaacs
Joe Isaacs and Lachlan Deer.
- Give me that setting to practice in
- The big tent has been a popular
addition in the last few years.
- Print
out and have the memories