Tamworth Rage Page
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Bluegrass and Traditional Country Music Convention
November 2005
Photos 2
Photos taken by
James Carrett and Carol & Fred Dwyer.
John Bridgeland and new Liddy mandolin, John Liddy at rear.
A nice crowd in the big tent.
Lonnie Hoppers and Dan Jones.
The Davidson boys cooking up a storm.
 Phil Parker from Adelaide on guitar supported by John and Geoff Bridgeland
and John Taylor on bass.
Bluegrass Parkway, first class entertainers on the Australian bluegrass scene
Fred Dwyer
Rob McCarthy, a dab hand on the fiddle as well as the banjo.
The dobro jam went over well with the pickers as well as the audience.
Stacy York and Joe Isaacs                              Joe Isaacs and Lachlan Deer.
Give me that setting to practice in anyday!!
The big tent has been a popular addition in the last few years.
Print out and have the memories