Tamworth Rage Page
Helen is no longer updating this website
Horseshoe Bend
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Newcastle Brake & Clutch Sponsors
Horseshoe Bend at Hexham 7pm
Great Family Fun & Dance Floor
Wednesday Night Gigs
June 30th Host Rob Wilson…………Guest Wayne Law
Please check venue for confirmation.
26th May 2004
Donnella Plane  - Host
Special Guest Travis Collins
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Donella Plane
Travis Collins, Simon Johnson and Chad Plane
Katie Brianna and Kirsty Lee Akers
Kirsty Lee Akers                                 Sharnee Fenwick
Katie Brianna
Frank Gray
Sharnee and Julieanne
Joel and Julieanne
Donella and Mikalee
Bruce McCumstie and Donnella Plane
Scott McAlister and Donella Plane
Travis has just released his new single "Bridge that you won't Burn"
Helen had to have her photo taken with Travis as he is
 a well deserving Starmaker Winner
Photo taken buy Trev Smith
Bruce McCumstie  www.luvyawillie.com  
Neville Anderson is www.nevilleanderson.com
Josh Canning www.joshcanning.com 
Rob Wilson www.robwilson.biz 
Weekly Hosts 
Alby Pool                     Bruce McCumstie                    Rob Wilson
Donella Plane

Print out and have the memories