Tamworth Rage Page
Helen is no longer updating this website
  2007 Tamworth Country Music Festival
Finn MacCool
Dave Warwick, Mark Oats, Greg O'Brien, Steve Sampson
West League Legends
Sun 21st
Photos Dave Proust                 Photos Electro Cash 
Hey Steve, what are we supposed to be playing? 
Will I look  better if I stand closer to the razor
Are you sure your hubby's friendly, He just ate the top of his schooner glass.
I cannot believe this!!!
Who's idea was this!!!
I can change God, honest

Lurking behind this mask of innocence lies a mischievous prankster

Sorry boys, must go, Mum is calling.
You want me to sing!!!
First lesson at the Greg O'Brien school of dancing. Stand real close and move everything but your feet.
Keep practising, you've nearly got it
Can you do the Twist?
Shake your tail feathers!
His shoulders are this big but I don't scare easy
You are more my type!!
Speeding, drink driving, parking fines and broken tail light.
 Not bad for the first day of the festival
Yes Greg plenty of vacancies in the paper but your resume
is a blank sheet of paper.
This letter from the management would scare the pants off anyone
I know I said " I like to look up old friends in Tamworth ", but this is ridiculous.
That's what it says Greg, one pill and you can play the piano , no hands !
We barely noticed the boys from Electo Cash joining in on the fun  
Well they taste like the lollies they put in the urinal trough !
Yes Mark, I am a chip off the old block. Not a crinkle cut chip!
Keep it down, my ears hurt, and gimme back my dummy
You blokes wouldn't know a virtuoso if you heard one,
Am I good, finished first again!
Print out and have the memories

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