Tamworth Rage Page
Helen is no longer updating this website
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Helen would like to thank all the artists who acknowledged and publicised www.tamworthragepage.com to the audience throughout the Tamworth  festival.   It is nice to be appreciated and it makes the effort worthwhile.
Below are some of the emails Helen has received.
mandln3a.gif (1309 bytes) Hi Helen,
Thank God for your web page -it has been mesmerising.
Here is a little bit of a pat on the back to you, that you so rightly deserve.
Put it into your Testimonials if you like.
If you don't have Testimonials, I think you should start putting them on the web site. You are the best, Helen !!!!
For the first time in 10 years, I was unable to attend the 2007 Tamworth Music Festival. This was a sad event for me, but not wanting to miss out on the fun that was being had by all, I embarked upon reading the Tamworth Rage Page on the Internet today, written by Helen.
Well I've been reading and absorbing all the stories, facts, figures, winners, and photos of the daily events from the recent festival, and re-living it like a movie. Hours have flown by and I'm still sitting here, totally mesmerised.
I have to say this web page is the best, and has to be the most comprehensive in the world, without a doubt.
The work and input to this site that Helen produces, and updates constantly (by her passion) is a credit to her and I can say, for sure that it has transported me to Tamworth 100% - I was right there.
I've seen photos of people in the crowd, friends, bands, singers, and just everything to elate me.
Thank you Helen, for giving so much pleasure to so many for so long. You deserve a medal ( and more sponsors to help you with your great work).
Lyn Parry

Sydney - 01 Feb 2007
 Love your photos, you go girl...    Cynthia, Louisiana, USA
Ray  & Cynthia

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