Tamworth Rage Page
Helen is no longer updating this website
Tex Dubbo
(Troy Cassar- Daley)
Tamworth Festival
Southgate Inn
"Scully Room"
" The Tex Dubbo Show" (Troy Cassar-Daley singing Merle Haggard and others)
 Once again many lucky fans were invited into Troy's lounge room to enjoy an evening of sensational music and humour that left no doubt that we were in the presence of a talented and genuinely nice bloke.   We all hope that  Tex Dubbo will bring out a CD in the near future.  It was very pleasing to see that Troy won three CMAA golden guitars for male vocalist, APRA song of the year as well as Vocal collaboration with Paul Kelly,   A well deserved win . Congratulations!!.  
Troy Cassar-Daley
Stuart French
Stuart French, Troy Cassar-Daley and Chris Haigh
Hugh Curtis, Stuart French, Troy Cassar-Daley and Chris Haigh
Stuart French, Mick Albeck and Troy Cassar-Daley
Mick Albeck and Troy Cassar-Daley
Mick and Troy
Stuart French, Mick Albeck, Troy Cassar-Daley and Chris Haigh
Room service
Stuey feeling quite at home.
Mick Albeck                  Chris Haig
Hugh seems happy

Huey Curtis and Stuey French
Print out and have the memories